SONG: Something in the Air

SONG: “Something in the Air” (To download: right-click & “Save As”)

ARTIST: grant. Hello there.

SOURCE: “Lap dancers ‘in heat’ are the ones to watch”, New Scientist, 11 Oct 2007, as mentioned in the post “Stripper Experiment Finds Invisible Mating Signals.”

ABSTRACT: I chose this scientific discovery because duh, hello. Invisible sex signals? Why did I take up a guitar in the first place if it weren’t for invisible sex signals?

If I could have a wish granted by my colleagues in rock, it’d be to have The Postmarks cover this. Mostly to replace my voice* with something ethereal and torchy, but also because they’re experts at that 60s Euro-pop sound I was striving for – something a French girl would sing in the middle of a Godard film. It’s a cha-cha! Let’s dance!

*Yeah, and I’m still using 10-year-old software on an 11-year-old computer. I’ve almost given up on ever regaining the Powerbook, but have started snooping around a sexy-looking piece of Windows shareware called Reaper. Maybe in time for the next song….