Gnarls Barkley on the Moog Etherwave Theremin.

I hope you’re enjoying your Thanksgiving, American readers.

From the description of the video on YouTube:

The main theremin was passed through iZotope Trash, an awesome software guitar effects plugin. The video was edited entirely in Adobe After Effects. The hand on the carpet was to simulate wind noise, definitely cause for confusion. This also means all the parts of the song were performed with hands only. CRAZY!

Randy – Moog Etherwave Pro Theremin, Moog Etherwave Theremin, Minimoog Voyager, carpet
KD – Akai MPC drum machine
OG – background vocals on keyboard
Elliot – Fender Bass VI

This video performance is dedicated to the pioneers, Leon Theremin and Bob Moog, who devoted their lives to music in the electronic medium. Without them the music world would not be what it is today.

Hands only? I don’t think they’re crazy at all….

You can compare them to robots, for more fun.

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