SONG: “After the End” (To download: right-click & “Save As”)
ARTIST: grant.
SOURCE: “Arctic ‘Doomsday’ Seed Vault Opens”, Science Friday, 7 Mar 2008, as used in the (April Fools) post Doomsday Seed Vault Cooked and Eaten .
ABSTRACT: So, the Svalbard Global Seed Vault. Somebody somewhere said this would be a good source for a song, and I thought somebody was exactly right. This project, after all, could be the future of Earth’s agriculture, and it’s being stored in a Norwegian mountain vault like some kind of dwarf treasure, by jiminy. There’s a lot of weird stuff going on with farming now, have you noticed?
Anyway – I kind of wanted this to sound like Clem Snide or Son Volt. The melody was pretty easy, but for some reason, I couldn’t get the lyrics exactly where I wanted them to go. If I ever return to these monthly songs, I’ll probably be switching around some words in the second verse here. But it’s got the ukulele and the toy piano, and the solo bit right after the second verse fell together just the way I wanted it to.
EDIT, 22:22, 23 April 08: Because it’s still the 23rd, and because 1:30 am on a work night was no time to be mixing vocals, I’ve uploaded a fresher, better song file. No new performances, just some muddiness removed.