It falls everywhere.

30 September 2008 grant b 1

Well, as the world markets plunge, something else has started falling. It’s snowing on Mars: iTwire reports: Canada’s York University professor Jim Whiteway, who is […]

Sorry, Charlie.

24 September 2008 grant b 0

I suppose this has been all over the British press by now, but the Church of England recently apologized to Charles Darwin: Scientific American: “The […]

The Mummies of Lima.

22 September 2008 grant b 0

This summer, archaeologists discovered three bodies that had been ritually preserved 1,300 years ago in what is now the capital city of Peru. PhysOrg describes […]

Give junk DNA a hand.

17 September 2008 grant b 0

Because, New Scientist reports, it may have given us ours: When genetically engineered into mice, the human DNA seems to activate genes in the budding […]

Drive my car.

16 September 2008 grant b 0

So. Wired tells us it’s true – the roar of the sportscar kinda turns us on: To test the theory that high-performance cars get people […]

Space bears, more like.

15 September 2008 grant b 1

New Scientist has joined the chorus of publications huddling around the cutest space invaders ever. Swedish researchers have just proved that tiny creatures called tardigrades, […]