Robinson Crusoe Found.
Yes, the plucky, inventive island castaway Robinson Crusoe was a fictional character. But author Robert Louis Stevenson, writing in the mid-1800s, based him on the very real Alexander… Read the rest “Robinson Crusoe Found.”
Yes, the plucky, inventive island castaway Robinson Crusoe was a fictional character. But author Robert Louis Stevenson, writing in the mid-1800s, based him on the very real Alexander… Read the rest “Robinson Crusoe Found.”
Researchers peering through microscopes at ancient mud have found the fossilized remains of a truly bizarre life form:
… Read the rest “Living magnets, shaped like weapons.”“Imagine our surprise to discover not only a fossil bloom
The LA Times reports on a new psychological study in Science that proves something we all probably take for granted – that warmth is more than skin deep:
… Read the rest “Baby, It’s Cold Outside.”To their surprise, they found
Did I post this before? I have no way of knowing. New Scientist tells me (for what I hope is the first time) that researchers have found a single enzyme that can erase specific memories:
… Read the rest “One Step Closer to the Spotless Mind.”Several
Perhaps not heart-stoppingly foul, but, as LiveScience informs us, that distinctive smell is enough to give the circulatory system pause:
… Read the rest “Fart Stink Controls Blood Pressure.”The unpleasant aroma of the gas, called hydrogen
Some call them sea slugs, but they’re so striking, so sensual, that nudibranch has to be the better term.
SONG:Now the Snow. (To download: double right-click & “Save As”)
ARTIST: grant.
SOURCE: “It’s snowing on Mars”, iTwire, 30 Sep 2008, as cited in … Read the rest “SONG: Now the Snow”
Recently, Dr. Roger Tsien earned a Nobel prize for his work in creating a stunning array of colorful, glowing proteins. Not only are they, like, totally psychedelically intense, man, but… Read the rest “Glowing Proteins; Less-Than-Glowing Prospects?”
Entolomologists working in Borneo have found what they believe to be world’s longest insect:
… Read the rest “Big Stick.”PhysOrg writes:
The specimen was found by a local villager and handed to Malaysian amateur
You may have caught this on MSNBC, but Italian researchers studying imagery from the Quickbird satellite discovered a 97,000-square-foot pyramid on the banks of Peru’s Nazca river… Read the rest “Satellite Discovers Pyramid at Nazca.”
I’m quite fond of the aurochs. As the feared onager was to the domestic donkey, so the aurochs to domestic cattle. Onagers gave their name to a medieval siege weapon; aurochs gave their… Read the rest “Science Art: Aurochs, Webster’s New International”
At last!
A peppy, eternal polka that illustrates the movements of subatomic particles!
Found in this fun Hey, Poindexter! interview, which also includes the following inspirational … Read the rest “QuarkDance!”
For a while in the 1990s, it seemed like everybody wanted to be a pygmy chimp. A bonobono. All bonobos did, they said, was hang out in the jungle, avoid mean old regular chimpanzees and make … Read the rest “Bonobos: NOT Hippies.”
WebMD reports on the first clinical application for using really big magnets to zap depressed people’s brain waves:
… Read the rest “Depression Meets the Magnet Cure.”The clearance comes nearly two years after a January 2007 FDA
Far be it from this site to endorse a candidate for the American presidential election…
…but who would Dr. Frankenstein vote for?
As inspired by the outrage of planetarium … Read the rest “Mad Scientists For Obama”
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