You can read the full story on; the short version – Hubble found this planet in 1998, but nobody realized it until a Canadian scientist – David Lafreniere of the University of Toronto – went back through the old data.
“We’ve shown that NICMOS is more powerful than previously thought for imaging planets,” says Lafreniere. “Our new image-processing technique efficiently subtracts the glare from a star that spills over the coronagraph’s edge, allowing us to see planets that are one-tenth the brightness of what could be detected before with Hubble.” Lafreniere adapted an image reconstruction technique that was first developed for ground-based observatories.
Using the new technique, he recovered the planet in NICMOS observations taken 10 years before the Keck/Gemini discovery.
Astronomers using Lafreniere’s technique were even able to watch clouds.
“The planet seems to be only partially cloud covered and we could be detecting the absorption of water vapor in the atmosphere,” says Travis Barman of Lowell Observatory, Flagstaff, Ariz. “The infrared light measured from the Hubble data is consistent with a spectrum showing a broad water absorption feature (at 1.4-1.49 microns), but the level of absorption seen is lower than it would be if the photosphere were completely devoid of dust. Dust clouds can smooth out many of the spectral features that would otherwise be there—including water absorption bands,” Barman says. “Measuring the water absorption properties will tell us a great deal about the temperatures and pressures in the atmospheres, in addition to the cloud coverage. If we can accurately measure the water absorption features for the outermost planet around HR 8799, we will learn a great deal about their atmospheric properties. Hubble, situated well above the Earth’s atmosphere, is excellently located for such a study.”