Quantum eyes.
Migrating robins have something better than magnets in their heads, Wired reports. They’ve got quantum sensors in their eyes:
… Read the rest “Quantum eyes.”European robins may maintain quantum entanglement
Migrating robins have something better than magnets in their heads, Wired reports. They’ve got quantum sensors in their eyes:
… Read the rest “Quantum eyes.”European robins may maintain quantum entanglement
The whole collection of Azerbaijan collectors’ stamps is full of scientific illustration treasure – butterflies, dirigibles, mushrooms….
And “treasure”… Read the rest “Science Art: Azerbaijan stamp, 500m – Marine gastropod Corolla spectabilis, May 1995.”
BBC paints a sweet, fossilized portrait of pterosaur family life:
… Read the rest “Mother and child, 100 million B.C.”A pterosaur has been found in China beautifully preserved with an egg.
The egg indicates this ancient flying reptile was
Vladimir Nabokov. Modern literary genius. Darling of the New York Times. And now, certified brilliant entomological theorist:
… Read the rest “Nabokov knew his butterflies.”There were several plausible hypotheses for how the butterflies
LiveScience joins forces with Peggy Orenstein to take on the “pink princess” culture and what it’s doing to our daughters:
… Read the rest “Pink, but not pretty.”You spoke to scientists about how this affects
Edge magazine has rounded up some pretty impressive brainy folks – from J. Craig Ventner to Brian Eno, P.Z. Myers and Martin Rees – and asked them all a single question: What … Read the rest “Cognitive Toolkit Improvement”
SONG: “Leatherback, Crossing.”. (To download: double right-click & “Save As”)
ARTIST: grant.
SOURCE: Based on “Secret voyages of leatherback… Read the rest “SONG: Leatherback, Crossing.”
Harry Grant Dart was an illustrator, newspaperman and creator of “The Explorigator” comic strip… and a man in the suffragette era who evidently had… Read the rest “Science Art: Aerostatic Cabriolet of Tomorrow, by Harry Grant Dart, c. 1905.”
New Scientist has microscopic video of what malaria looks like bursting into a blood cell:
… Read the rest “What infection looks like.”Jake Baum at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research in Melbourne, Australia,
Nature breaks the news to us that small, fierce prehistoric predator Eoraptor – the “dawn-predator” – might have been a plant-eater all along:
… Read the rest “A gentler Eoraptor”Many palaeontologists
Wired is bursting a few bubbles by reporting that Gliese 581g – the first habitable planet discovered around another star – may not exist at all:
… Read the rest “I’ll have to unpack my rocket ship.”Two more planets, including
ArsTechnica explores the way music intoxicates us – with dopamine:
… Read the rest “Music makes us high.”To learn more about the music/brain/stimulation process, the McGill researchers followed subjects through
One that hits close to my heart. University of Texas researchers have come up with a way to zap tinnitus:
… Read the rest “Zap the ringing away.”Researchers Dr. Michael Kilgard and Dr. Navzer Engineer from The University of Texas
The Mars Rover Opportunity considers the textures of the Santa Maria crater on its 2,746th day on Mars. There are no footprints in that sand. There may never have been footprints… Read the rest “Science Art: PIA13755: Textures of ‘Santa Maria’ Crater, Sol 2476 , Mars Rover Opportunity & NASA.”
Scientific American paints an eldritch picture of what lies at the edges of a distant star… a world of dim, twilit grotesqueries arranged in a tenebrous spectrum of shadowy things… Read the rest “Black Plants in Twilight Eternal.”
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