Science in Hollywood

30 August 2011 grant b 0

PhysOrg rolls out the red carpet for researchers with an invitation from screenwriters to scientists: Producers and writers for some of television’s most popular medical, […]

SONG: One In Ten

23 August 2011 grant b 0

SONG: “One In Ten.” [Download] (To download: double right-click & “Save As”) ARTIST: grant. SOURCE: Based on “Minority Rules: Scientists Discover Tipping Point for the […]

X leads to cancer cure.

22 August 2011 grant b 0

BBC covers the latest cure to come from recreational drugs: Ecstasy is known to kill some cancer cells, but scientists have increased its effectiveness 100-fold, […]

Tattoo circuits

17 August 2011 grant b 0

They’re temporary, sure, but these tattoos in Ars Technica are still powerful. Literally. They’re monitors made from tattooed circuits on your skin: All of the […]

Mind over Milkshakes

12 August 2011 grant b 0

The latest Bottom Line Health newsletter had the skinny on this amazing study on how our bodies react to “low-calorie” packaging. That label leaves you […]