SONG: One In Ten

SONG: “One In Ten.” (To download: double right-click & “Save As”)

ARTIST: grant.

SOURCE: Based on “Minority Rules: Scientists Discover Tipping Point for the Spread of Ideas”, ScienceBlog, 25 July 2011, as used in the post “The math of the madness of crowds”.

ABSTRACT: This seemed to be the story that I told people about the most this month – this one and the one about low-calorie labeling altering people’s biochemistry. But it’s hard to find a pop hook in mind over milkshakes, while tipping points and riots and the power of persuasion seemed inherently poppy.

Based on the way that “Evert 1 Pipkin” cover turned out, I decided (kind of at the last minute) to try doing vocals using the tape recorder as a mic again. Seems to work best when doing lots of harmony parts, so that’s what happened. The first line was inspired by a placard about Miami’s culture in the Miami Children’s Museum – it’s a city that takes pride in lots and lots of different minority cultures. Science tells us as soon as any one of them reaches 10 percent of the population – or convinces 10 percent that they’re absolutely correct about something – that segment might as well be 100 percent. Everyone else will follow.

Strange to think about.

Chopsticks & collard greens
Cracked conch and hot black beans
Each of these things is not like the others
One of these things is gonna take over
The battleground in your home town
Take the streets & whoever you meet
Each one wants a flag to follow
Each one has a story to swallow

One in ten will win everyone over
One in ten will rise again
It only takes one in ten
It only takes one in ten.

Trade rules or prayer in schools
Gas tax or union dues
Everyone wants a flag to follow
Everyone has a story to swallow

One in ten will win everyone over
One in ten will rise again
It only takes one in ten
It only takes one in ten.

When it’s time, we’ll change our minds
We’ll find the numbers keep winding
Each sum is a flag to follow
Each sum has a story to swallow

One in ten will win everyone over
One in ten will rise again
It only takes one in ten
It only takes one in ten.

A riot has recipe like any other dish
One part faith and nine parts wish
Mix well on rising heat until it spills out on the streets, and then
and then… and then…

One in ten will win everyone over
One in ten will rise again
Sign up your friends – one in ten
To meet your ends – one in ten
It only takes one in ten
It only takes one in ten.