Farewell, Spitzer telescope?
Nature covers the hard decisions that NASA faces in its latest budget… which may include shutting down a great space telescope (and an asteroid watchdog) […]
Nature covers the hard decisions that NASA faces in its latest budget… which may include shutting down a great space telescope (and an asteroid watchdog) […]
Scientific American watches NASA launch another satellite to watch the way our planet breathes: But since [David Crisp] first conceived the project nearly 15 years […]
When it comes to finding new information, The Independent reports, those crazy, criss-crossing paths that ants take are more efficient than Google at processing new […]
From IBM’s patent 3470399, a device to tell how fast an electric motor is running by detecting its magnetic field.
SONG: “Something Missing.” [Download] (To download: double right-click & “Save As”) ARTIST: grant. SOURCE: Based on “Man prefers $50 3-D printed hand to $42,000 prosthetic”, […]
Science Daily peeks into the mind of insects with new research that shows that fruit flies think before they act: In experiments asking fruit flies […]
Another one for the unintended consequences file? From Slashdot (not normally a research reporting resource, but bear with us) we hear a note of concern […]
And now, Nature says, we know the names of the interplanetary stowaways: Swabs of Curiosity’s surfaces before it was launched, including its heat shield and […]
Science Daily pokes a hole in the optimism around electronic cigarettes with findings that they’re really not that different from the kind you light and […]
In the 1970s, NASA hired some artists to visualize life in three kinds of space colonies. Here, we’ve got a Bernal Sphere, a “point design […]
Laboratory Equipment points out that simple solutions can have bigger effects than you’d imagine, when it comes to the raw material we’re making things out […]
Robots are still, on the whole, kind of slow responders. The big breakthrough a couple of years ago with Big Dog was that it could […]
PbysOrg looks back into the distant past, when tiny shrimp left behind sperm longer than their bodies: The giant sperm are thought to have been […]
Actually, gone. Imploded. BBC has more on the tragic end of the deep-sea submersible Nereus: The robotic vehicle Nereus went missing while exploring one of […]
The Guardian (with a little help from Harvard) confirms what folks have suspected for a while – that Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) is largely due […]
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