Climate change and social upheaval, the last time around…4,000 years ago.

The National (of the UAE) reports on radical new ways to deal with climate change… from the dawn of civilization:

The Bronze Age transition from the Umm An Nar (2700 to 2000 BC) to the Wadi Suq (2000 to 1300 BC) period is hotly debated by archaeologists.

The popular view is that external forces – such as acute climate change and the breakdown of trade between regions – caused people to leave Umm An Nar centres and form smaller, more mobile communities in the early second millennium.

Dramatic changes in the archaeological record suggest people adjusted to climate change with a sudden shift.

A recent study of mandibular, or jawbone, first molars by the bioarchaeologist Lesley Gregoricka shows a more gradual change, suggesting that dispersal was a deliberate decision.

Prof Gregoricka’s analysis of strontium, carbon and oxygen isotope ratios show homogeneity in mobility and diet, indicating continuity instead of collapse between the late third to early second millennium BC.

Societal changes, she said, may have been an “equal or even more powerful” motivator for dispersal than climate change during this period.
