Stone circle found in Seville

Xinhua reports on the discovery of a Spanish henge – concentric circles of stones probably assembled to define a ritual space about 4,500 years ago:

The discovery covers an area of around six hectares and has been dated to between 2,200 and 2,600 BC, meaning it is around 4,500 years old and is thought to have had some kind of religious or social significance.

Excavation director Elizabeth Comlin [of the University of Tubingen] told Spanish state TV network RTVE that it was a “singular and spectacular” discovery which formed part of a series of discoveries showing the region had been inhabited in the Neolithic era as far back as 6,000 years BC, roughly 2,000 years after the end of the last ice age.

Comlin explained that monuments such as the one discovered in Carmona are usually seen north of the Alps, but that it is “very rare for one to be done in Spain which is so large and so perfect.”

[via Archaeological News]

Edit to add: There’s at least one photo of the site (and a bit more data) on Science Daily.