Science Art: Oreille schematique, from Identification anthropométrique : instructions signalétiques, 1893.

L0035101 Schematic ear Credit: Wellcome Library, London. Wellcome Images Schematic ear: Oreille schematique. Bordure A B C D E decomposee en partie Originelle A B, Superieure B C, Posterieure C D et inferieure D E. Lobule E F G H considere sous le rapport dy contour E F, de l'adherence a la joue F H, du modele G et de sa Dimension. Antitragus H I examine au point de vue de son inclinasion, de son profil, de son degre de renversement et de sa Dimension. Plis internes separes en branches inferieure J K, superieure K L, et mediane K M Identification anthropométrique : instructions signalétiques  Alphonse Bertillon Published: 1893 Copyrighted work available under Creative Commons Attribution only licence CC BY 4.0
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The book Identification anthropométrique : instructions signalétiques is Alphonse Bertillon‘s guide for identifying criminal suspects.

These ear dimensions were one way you could make SUPER sure you got your man, and not somebody with similar features but totally the wrong ears.

At the time, the science was called anthropometry, and it was the ancestor to the biometrics used by surveillance computers to spot, for instance, specific faces on a crowded street.

Credit: Wellcome Library, London. Wellcome Images