SONG: “Quantum Biology”.
ARTIST: grant.
SOURCE: Scientific American, Vol. 27, Dec. 2018, “’Schrödinger’s Bacterium’ Could Be a Quantum Biology Milestone”, as used in the post Weird life force: Quantum-entangled bacteria.
“No one has ever witnessed a star, a planet or a cat in superposition or a state of quantum entanglement.” That’s what the SciAm article said. Quantum stuff is supposed to happen way, way, way beyond that, at a level that’s smaller than molecules, smaller than atoms. And yet we’ve got these photosynthetic bacteria – these things that are not only bigger than molecules, but are *alive*. And they seem to be entangled with photons.
That’s weird.
I seem to have a thing now with writing songs where I kind of decide the kind of musical thing I’m going to write, I basically write the whole song as rhythm and bass tracks, and then when it comes time to get lyrics down, I write an entirely different song, just sitting with a guitar. Which is what I did yesterday, in between the hacking cough and the online dumpster fires and the semi-feral housepets. And it came out… pretty good, actually. Has someone already used “Neither here nor there” as a line describing superpositioning? I like it as a refrain.
I’m totally counting today as being on time. I still owe another song and a cover. Soon.
We started small
But that’s neither here nor there
We shared the light
That’s neither here nor there
We were alive
That’s neither here nor there
We were there, and here
And neither here nor thereSuperposition
in a petri dish
green sulfur bacteria…
in a petri dish
quantum biology…Nobody asked us
That’s neither here nor there
We didn’t ask for this
That’s neither here nor there
Beneath the blinding seas
That’s neither here nor there
We made our mysteries
But neither here nor thereSuperposition
in a petri dish
green sulfur bacteria…
in a petri dish
quantum biology…Now we’re entangled
that’s neither here nor there
We eat not eating
That’s neither here nor there
Quantum biology
That’s neither here nor there
Quantum biology
That’s neither here nor there.