Science Art: Cephalopoda (Figs. 441-443), from The Depths of the Ocean, 1912

Scientific illustration of three kinds of squid, from 1912
Scientific illustration of three kinds of squid, from 1912

Scientific illustration of three kinds of squid, from 1912Click to embiggen

Three kinds of squid-kids (I think; at least one is identified as a juvenile), from the research expedition of the Norwegian steamer Michael Sars, published in 1912. These are listed as being “after Chun,” although exactly who Chun was isn’t described in the excerpt of The Depths of the Ocean I found at The author does say, “It was a special pleasure to me that Chun undertook to describe the Cephalopoda obtained during our Atlantic cruise,” and that Chun apparently published his descriptions.

Because I’m the kind of person I am, I went and looked. “Chun” is Carl Chun; his squid discoveries on Michael Sars can be found here. He was a German marine biologist mostly remembered now as the person who named the vampire squid, full name Vampiroteuthis infernalis, the “vampire squid from hell.”