COVID-19 Resource List

Rather than the usual excerpt of recent research, I thought I’d start collecting some decent sources of info on the ongoing pandemic.

* Vetted and regularly updated numbers, best as we can get, for total number of U.S. cases – how many tested & how many positives. Click the “States current” tabs at the top of the sheet. (Alexis Madrigal, Robinson Meyer & Jeff Hammerbacher)

* If you’re reading this, you probably already know about flattening the curve (Vox).

* You might not know about how St. Louis flattened the curve so successfully during the 1918 flu epidemic. (bioMérieux Connection)

* Nature is maintaining a COVID-19 newsfeed (Nature).

* The COVID-19 subreddit is, yes, a part of reddit – but it’s got a broader collection of peer-reviewed sources than you probably think, and the data visualizations are pretty good (Reddit).

* UPDATED: If you want to know what to *do* as the epidemic comes, Flatten the Curve has good advice, based on public health expertise (as far as I can see).

* UPDATED: One of the best clearinghouses for the latest information seems to be Johns Hopkins’ Center for Health Security, which also offers “situation reports.” A newsletter, in other words.

* UPDATED: A wonderfully dense set of information has been made super easy to read at 1 Point 3 Acres. There’s a clickable US and Canada map, charts (including a fun, day-by-day animated graph), county-by-county information, a news feed, you name it. (Via GIS fundi Richard Butgereit)

* UPDATED: A University of Washington team came up with this SPECULATIVE tool for projecting when, based on current trends, a particular state will reach peak COVID-19 cases – and whether that peak in the curve has been flattened enough not to overwhelm existing hospital beds or ICU facilities. Currently, unless things change, it’s got the US reaching peak on April 14 (and surpassing available ICU and regular hospital resources), and Florida reaching the peak on May 14, not surpassing the number of beds, but with a need for 451 ventilators. Projections also include total number of deaths and rate per day, but we don’t need to dwell on that. [via]

* UPDATED: A U.S. county-by-county GIS resource: COVID-19 Trends for U.S. Counties. (Via GIS fundi Richard Butgereit)