New Scientist reveals a new kind of medical material created by MIT researcher Xuanhe Zhao- a sticky-on-one-side wound dressing that can treat gut injuries by sealing up wet, flexible gastrointestinal openings (from injuries or surgeries) like duct tape:
Zhao and his colleagues designed their dressing to work like duct tape, which is only sticky on one side. Once it covers the wound, it quickly forms a hydrogel, an adhesive layer that can help the wound to heal. The dressing is flexible too, so it can work on wounds with a complicated surface topology.
“The magic is that here you have something that is designed to work in these wet environments, but at the same time has these tissue-conformant features,” says Christoph Nabzdyk at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, who helped test the patch in animals.
You can read more about the new wound treatment here, in Science: Translational Medicine.