Science Art: Irisosaurus yimenensis life restoration, by Ang Li.

Scientific illustration of irisosaurus, a dinosaur discovered in 2020.
Scientific illustration of irisosaurus, a dinosaur discovered in 2020.

Irisosaurus yimenensis is a dinosaur discovered in 2020 in Yunnan, China, within the Fengjiahe Formation – a layer of sediment and fossils laid down in the Early Jurassic period, between 174 and 201 million years ago.

I suppose I should mention that the Wikimedia Commons page for this image has a note on it that the likeness (though lovely) is disputed because the left individual “has a pronated hand.”

Otherwise, this is a likeness of a horse-sized dinosaur that chewed up its vegetable food with a unique jawbone and sniffed the prehistoric air with a well-developed “nasal process.” Though discovered in what’s now China, they are distantly related to Mussaurus, a similar-looking dinosaur discovered in what’s now Argentina.