As The Markup points out, this is no longer a hypothetical question, but an actual parenting challenge now:
I made a note to ask his teacher the following week, and imagine my surprise when I learned his teacher had been experimenting with ChatGPT to generate custom stories for the class. Like 14 percent of American adults, I’d played around with ChatGPT by then, but this was an excitingly practical application. Bedtime turned into a wild version of Mad Libs: Prompt a few nouns or concepts, pop it into the easy chat interface, pick a style (“in the style of Berenstain Bears” worked well), and lo and behold—a perfectly serviceable bedtime story. What could go wrong?
It’s not lost on me that two-thirds of the world’s school-aged children don’t even have internet at home, according to a 2020 UNICEF report.
Of course, there are also questions around the training data for generative AI, which is precisely what enables you to ask for a story in the style of Berenstain Bears or Hans Christian Andersen.
The piece is somewhat more thoughtful (and rich in links) than these brief excerpts, so go give it a read.