Administrivia and Internal Matters
No song today
Just didn’t come together in time. But it will happen, and there will also be a penitential cover.
Administrivia and Internal Matters
Just didn’t come together in time. But it will happen, and there will also be a penitential cover.
Music is in place, for the most part, but no lyrics yet, and I’m on a highway somewhere between Shreveport and Jackson, so am unlikely to be able to write & record lyrics until…… Read the rest “No song today.”
I am currently unable to record, or at least to play a guitar. Song will appear shortly.
Thinking I could get anything decent done in four days was probably overly optimistic… but there’s something *mostly* done. More science to follow.
Once again, have a full instrumental track and melody, even, but the lyrics are not there. I now owe either two or three covers. One of them is just about ready.
I have rough drafts of music tracks and written lyrics… but have not yet brought the two together. More soon, along with a penitential cover.
Another penitential cover will be forthcoming. I’m a tired man.
I sometimes work the polls during an election and Tuesday was the 23rd, and I hadn’t finished a song by the 22nd. I’ve nearly got a penitential cover for the last missed deadline,… Read the rest “No song today (or two days ago)”
I have a great musical track, a hummed melody, a couple ideas about pseudosatellites and diddly-squat words.
More when I can get some words, and then a penitential cover.
I’ve got a melody, I’ve got a subject, but the words aren’t here yet. Mea maxima culpa. A song and two penitential covers shall arrive.
A lizard party, by Ernst Haeckel. Not jellyfish or diatoms or Lovecraftian marine creatures. Just lizards. Lots and lots of cold-blooded lizards.
A plate from Kunstformen… Read the rest “Science Art: Lizard (Lacertilia), by Ernst Haeckel.”
Words are hard. It’s everything but words. Soon, soon.
I’ve got music, but, you know, there’s some other stuff happening, right? Should have plenty of time to record some penitential covers, though.
Because computers sometimes break, and replacement computers sometimes don’t work the way one expects them to, and because just setting up a recorder and recording a thing makes… Read the rest “No song – again!”
Will happen soon. Have tracks, but words are hard.
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