No song today

24 September 2024 grant 0

Just didn’t come together in time. But it will happen, and there will also be a penitential cover.

No other song today

24 November 2023 grant 0

Thinking I could get anything decent done in four days was probably overly optimistic… but there’s something *mostly* done. More science to follow.

No song today

25 October 2023 grant 0

Once again, have a full instrumental track and melody, even, but the lyrics are not there. I now owe either two or three covers. One of them is just about ready.

No song today.

24 May 2023 grant 0

I have rough drafts of music tracks and written lyrics… but have not yet brought the two together. More soon, along with a penitential cover.

No song today.

24 May 2022 grant 0

I have a great musical track, a hummed melody, a couple ideas about pseudosatellites and diddly-squat words.

More when I can get some words, and then a penitential cover.

No song today

24 October 2021 grant 0

I’ve got a melody, I’ve got a subject, but the words aren’t here yet. Mea maxima culpa. A song and two penitential covers shall arrive.

March song delayed

25 March 2020 grant 0

I’ve got music, but, you know, there’s some other stuff happening, right? Should have plenty of time to record some penitential covers, though.