An end to nightmares
Science News reveals a new therapy based on memory exercises that shows promise in totally doing away with nightmare disorder:
… Read the rest “An end to nightmares”Frequent, terrifying dreams disturb sleep and even affect
Science News reveals a new therapy based on memory exercises that shows promise in totally doing away with nightmare disorder:
… Read the rest “An end to nightmares”Frequent, terrifying dreams disturb sleep and even affect
PsyPost reports on a study of social isolation – “the objective state of having limited social relationships or contact with others” – that found the problem… Read the rest “Boys (and men) are more socially isolated than girls (and women), study finds.”
Scientific American takes a look at our online habits and finds we’re not making ourselves happy. The technology makes us lose track of time, disrupts sleep, lowers our sense of satisfaction,… Read the rest “Social media makes people unhappy… but it doesn’t have to.”
The Journal of Experimental Psychology defines something I think we’ve all had a feeling about – that the more you encounter a bad deed (or hear it described in, say, a televised… Read the rest “It feels less evil the second time around.”
Lancaster University researchers have studied folks who grew up in the country, in the suburbs, and in the city by analyzing their movements in a specially designed video game, and found… Read the rest “Rural people have a better sense of direction.”
SONG: “Deeper Than Love (a penitential Colleen Green cover)”.
ARTIST: grant.
SOURCE: There is no scientific source. This is a penitential cover of this Colleen Green song… Read the rest “SONG: Deeper Than Love (a penitential Colleen Green cover)”
Science Advances sniffs out something peculiar in a “body volatile” (an actively smelly chemical) called hexadecanal, or HEX, which – based on a test using an unfair… Read the rest “A particular body odor blocks aggression in men, but triggers aggression in women.”
Scientific American published an interview from sister publication Cerveau & Psycho with Jean Abitbol, a Paris-based ear, nose and throat physician, phoniatrician, and craniofacial… Read the rest “Change your voice, change your identity.”
PsyPost, reporting on a study in Psychological Reports, introduces us to the OBPS, a way to scientifically quantify the amount of useless, stupid nonsense we’re exposed to in the… Read the rest “There’s a new branch of psychology dedicated to the study of B.S.”
Science Daily shares UC Santa Cruz research into the strange psychological effects of virtual reality, which literally lets your brain lose track of time in a way no other experience does… Read the rest “Virtual reality messes with time.”
SONG: “Dream Agency”.
ARTIST: grant.
SOURCE: Science, 11 June 21, “Are advertisers coming for your dreams?,” as used in the post “Advertising in your… Read the rest “SONG: Dream Agency”
Science magazine covers the pushback from researchers who fear a new battleground for spam and advertisers inside our sleeping minds:
… Read the rest “Advertising in your dreams”This week, a group of 40 dream researchers has pushed
Scientific American broadcasts a study (by David Rand and Gordon Pennycook, published in Nature) that looked at why misinformation spreads online, and found that it isn’t because… Read the rest “Fake news is a symptom… of fast scrolling social media. (Not wishes, partisan thinking, or anything else.)”
Scientific American puts forward an argument for renaming the neurological, psychological, something-ological condition that we currently call ADHD:
… Read the rest “To take a “D” off ADHD.”The classificatory terms we
Science shares a study that found microdoses of psychedelic mushrooms really do work to boost creativity and create feelings of well-being… but so did inert placebo doses:
… Read the rest “Psych study: Microdosing really works. But so do placebos.”Placebo-controlled
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