Science moves overseas.
That’s the gist of this somewhat mournful piece in The Economist regarding America shuttering its largest particle accelerator:
… Read the rest “Science moves overseas.”It already looks likely that the successor to the
That’s the gist of this somewhat mournful piece in The Economist regarding America shuttering its largest particle accelerator:
… Read the rest “Science moves overseas.”It already looks likely that the successor to the
Salon covers the state of play in the burgeoning movement to use psychedelic drugs as medicine:
… Read the rest “Psychedelic science spreads.”“It was absolutely incredible,” remembers Kossut. “The first rush
Then, Wired tells us, comes a dinosaur egg. At least that’s one paleontological plan to flip the genetic switches separating “chicken” from “dinosaur”… Read the rest “DIY dinosaur. (A chicken comes first.)”
Yeah, not birds. Discovery News writer Jennifer Viegas unveils the most bitter of best friends is likely to be the humble goldfish:
… Read the rest “Angry fish.”A new study has found that ornamental fish across the U.S.
Octopus up-skirts. For science.
The provenance of this picture is a little hard to sum up easily:
* I found it on a blog…
* that reposted it from a Smithsonian Institute… Read the rest “Science Art: n238_w1150 (Plate XCV:Opisthoteuthis VERRILL) from The Cephalopoda, ed. by Carl Chun, c. 1915”
SONG: “Turn Me Inside Out.” (To download: double right-click & “Save As”)
ARTIST: grant.
SOURCE: Based on “Gut instinct: Tantalising evidence… Read the rest “SONG: Turn Me Inside Out”
AP is reporting that CERN has made a beam of sub-atomic particles travel faster than the speed of light:
… Read the rest “(Needs confirmation) Light-speed barrier broken?”University of Maryland physics department chairman Drew Baden called it “a
Fast Company reveals the tricks of the trade. Literally. Supermarket giants are using subliminal suggestion and misdirection just like master magicians:
… Read the rest “Whole Foods’ Mind Control”For example, sales records
In fact, PhysOrg says, new solutions to old problems tend to turn people off. The more creative the solution, the harder it is to sell:
… Read the rest “Outside the box isn’t easy.”The paper [co-authored by Jack Goncalo, ILR School assistant
No, really. A religion and science joke.
A Higgs boson walks into St. Patrick’s Cathedral on a fine Sunday morning. The monsignor looks up and reacts angrily, “Get thee behind… Read the rest “A Higgs boson walks into a cathedral…”
Science comes a step closer to figuring out the neurology of key – or how it is that we instinctively know what sounds good:
… Read the rest “Sweet sounds (and the neurology thereof).”Bernardo Spagnolo, a biophysicist at the University of Palermo
A friend of mine who taught middle school called it “hormone poisoning.” But National Geographic takes a slightly more serious look at why adolescents do the things they do… Read the rest “Teenage brains.”
Right now, as I write these words, the spacecraft Dawn is circling around the asteroid Vesta, trying to figure out how it got there.
This is a “false-color”… Read the rest “Science Art: False-Color Image Shows Proof of an Impact, by NASA’s Dawn spacecraft”
National Geographic looks at a new social network that matches “friends” based on their intestinal bacteria:
… Read the rest “Gut attraction.”MyMicrobes, which opened to the public last week is looking
Science Daily pipes up with news that Berkeley scientists might have just cured the non-stop ringing of tinnitus:
… Read the rest “What’d you say?”“This work is the most clearheaded documentation to this point
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