Science Art: Tardigrade
Is it cute?
It’s a tardigrade, also known as a water bear. That’s a cute name. And they’re tiny, too, which is part of cuteness, usually. Less than a millimeter… Read the rest “Science Art: Tardigrade”
Is it cute?
It’s a tardigrade, also known as a water bear. That’s a cute name. And they’re tiny, too, which is part of cuteness, usually. Less than a millimeter… Read the rest “Science Art: Tardigrade”
Once again, New Scientist delivers a headline I can’t beat. A statue the Nazis brought to Germany from Tibet has been found to have been made of stuff from space:
… Read the rest “Buddhist “Iron Man” found by Nazis is from space.”Known as the ‘iron man’,
It’s at… whatever it is!
[via @vruba]
Gigaom has the scoop on Tesla’s bid to change the face of America – by introducing a network of electric-car charging stations:
… Read the rest “Tesla unveils the electric filling station.”Eectric car maker Tesla announced on Monday
A black-and-white birth sequence.
From’s copy of “On Some Heterogenetic Modes of Origin of Flagellated Monads, Fungus-Germs, and Ciliated Infusoria”… Read the rest “Science Art: Simplest Mode of Development of Monads and Fungi from the Pellicle, 1871.”
SONG: “Particle.” (To download: double right-click & “Save As”)
ARTIST: grant (with apologies to Antonio Vivaldi).
SOURCE: Based on “How Fungi… Read the rest “SONG: Particle”
Laboratory Equipment reveals how computers can now ID you by watching you walk:
… Read the rest “The way you walk is just the way YOU walk. And the computer knows it.”he National Physical Laboratory (NPL) has developed a walking gait recognition system that, in combination
No one can possibly do better than the Archives of Sexual Behavior in describing this study. The article’s headline says all it needs to:
… Read the rest “The mere anticipation of an interaction with a woman can impair men’s cognitive performance.”The mere anticipation of an interaction with
Me, I love science. New Scientist does too. So it makes us feel weird to point out that a lot of the time, it just doesn’t work:
… Read the rest “Medical science: Not all it’s cracked up to be”many recent reports have raised the alarm that a shocking
New York Times reviews a new dictionary of a really old language:
… Read the rest “Demotic dictionary, for ancient expressions.”Demotic was one of the three scripts inscribed on the Rosetta stone, along with Greek and hieroglyphs, enabling European
The Atlantic reports on a record-breaking experiment that is reaching a conclusion nearly a century after it started… when a Scottish fisherman found a message in a bottle tossed… Read the rest “Message in a bottle. From 98 years ago.”
That’s Homo heidelbergensis stopping for a quick sip of water, as imagined by Zdenek Burian.
Zdenek Burian was possibly Eastern Europe’s (and maybe the world’s) most… Read the rest “Science Art: Heidelberg Man, by Zdenek Burian.”
Time travels to the Amazon to reveal the fungi that creates the clouds:
… Read the rest “The mushrooms that make the weather.”The clouds in the Amazon, just like everywhere else, consist of water vapor clinging to tiny clumps of carbon compounds.
New Scientist may have uncovered the bones of Richard III, the king either most villainous or most misunderstood of Plantangenet:
… Read the rest “Richard loves Richard, that is, I and I….”What exactly has been found?
The body of an adult male has
Guardian reports on the growing body of evidence that Alzheimer’s disease comes from what we eat – that the senility disease might actually be caused by junk food:
… Read the rest “They call Alzheimer’s “type-3 diabetes” – because it’s caused by junk food.”About 35
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