Quantum computers can work.
Laboratory Equipment points the way for the next big breakthrough in thinking machines: Many quantum algorithms require that particles’ spins be “entangled,” meaning that they’re […]
Laboratory Equipment points the way for the next big breakthrough in thinking machines: Many quantum algorithms require that particles’ spins be “entangled,” meaning that they’re […]
Nature reveals that no matter what language you’re reading, your brain lights up the same way when you do it: Previous studies have suggested that […]
Boston Globe profiles the geneticist and Alzheimer’s expert who played organ on Aerosmith’s last album: It was 2009 when Dr. Rudy Tanzi was asked to […]
Nature reveals something fascinating about what happens when a creative brain turns on the creativity: Freestyle rapping — in which a performer improvises a song […]
The dome of the heavens, 1970s-style. Found in a very special pdf in archive.org – a book on how we can look out at the […]
Which means one shall be forthcoming soon. And a penitential cover. So it goes.
Nature goes deep, deep into the subconscious pit of our fears… or at least the Pacific Ocean… to present the underwater answer to the Venus […]
Nature explores the strange mathematics of yuck – the neurological reason why we find dissonant music hard to listen to: Consonant chords are, roughly speaking, […]
I’m not sure when this happened, but NOAA thinks they’ve finally identified the mysterious underwater sound known as ‘The Bloop’: The broad spectrum sounds recorded […]
Guardian has some unusual insight into the human brain, thanks to a man whose Parkinson’s has left him confined to a wheelchair, but who is […]
Nothing about sunfish is as striking as watching them move. [via]
ITProPortal.com reports on a heightened state of alert in the halls of the government offices in charge of the very biggest missiles there are… because […]
Science Tech Daily says in the parasite world, it’s turtles all the way down. No matter how much of a *parasite* you are… like the […]
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