Need a lift? These are hooks designed for lifting … well, whatever you need picked up.
I found them in (deep breath): The engineer’s sketch-book of mechanical movements, devices, appliances, contrivances and details : employed in the design and construction of machinery for every purpose : classified and arranged for reference for the use of engineers, mechanical draughtsmen, managers, mechanics, inventors, patent agents, and all engaged in the mechanical arts, with nearly two thousand illustrations, descriptive notes and memoranda, on archive.org.
The hooks in this illustration include:
770. Automatic slip hook; slips the T end of the “monkey” hy the curved arms striking the sides of a fixed stop hole.
771. Draw bar hook, self-locking.
772. Fixed bar hook, with snap.
773. Slip hook.
774. Hook, with mousing ring.
775. Crane hook, with swivel.
776. Double swivel links, inserted in a chain to take out the twist.
777. Triangular link, to attach two chains to one.
778. Safety link. Has a flat on link to slip in notch of hook.
779. S link.
780. Split link.
781. Bolt shackle.
782. Double link and bolt connection for chain.
783. Pin shackle.