Science Art: Lindblad Travel ad, 1969.

Scientific illustration of a tortoise and blue-footed booby, done in a mid-century cartoon style, as part of an ad for Lindblad Travel in 1969.
Scientific illustration of a tortoise and blue-footed booby, done in a mid-century cartoon style, as part of an ad for Lindblad Travel in 1969.

Today, the company that produced this add is known as Lindblad Expeditions, and is so closely associated with National Geographic that it’s often known as NatGeo/Lindblad Expeditions. (As a cruise line, all their ship names begin with “National Geographic”.)

In 1969, they were a family-run expedition travel company, promising “Adventure and Photography” in “Darwin’s Galapagos” to readers of Natural History Magazine, the publication of the American Museum of Natural History. A lot of the ads in this issue are for cameras or photographic equipment, which you can see if you flip through the pages in This was published in January, just months before Woodstock and Altamont and a manned mission landing on the moon and the Tate-LaBianca murders putting a violent end to the hippie dream. A balancing point in history, maybe… marked out here with a cartoon tortoise and blue-footed booby, symbolizing the origin of species and the evolution of all living things. Which you can now go visit and snap pictures of, will wonders never cease!