Science Art: Cross Section of a Young Root, by Roman Vishniac, c. 1978.

Scientific illustration of a root seen through a microscope, all purple and magenta in round geometries. In the 1970s, this looked like the future.
Scientific illustration of a root seen through a microscope, all purple and magenta in round geometries. In the 1970s, this looked like the future.

This is an image from “the birth of photomicrography.” It’s also an image from the fondly remembered Omni magazine, an issue from 1978 which I found on

In the late 1970s, this was what the future looked like: part nature in a microscope, and part blazing science fiction. The article on Roman Vishniac (from whence this is but one illustration) is an interesting look at a Russian-born science artist and the (at the time) very new art of taking vivid pictures of living things at many times their natural size, so that we humans better appreciate the miracles all around us.

Good solstice, everyone.