ARTIST: grant. Originally by Tom Waits.
SOURCE: This is another penitential cover version – penance for a late original song. It’s about insects. And people. There’s no specific scientific source, although you can see the video to the original song here.
“Army Ants” was recorded following the precedent of the late song – a spoken word number with some… vocal experimentation. In this case, I was using a gag I learned from Captain Beefheart (which also appears on the second track of this a capella album): cutting up a vocal and reassembling it later. Beefheart (and, as far as I can tell, Appendix Out) used one singer and audiotape. I used my family members and the computer.
The family that records together, forms a super-intelligent colony organized to protect the queen and defend against attacking colonies together.
I wanted it to sound like that, anyway.