Month: June 2015
Science Art: Fig. XLIII. Hydromylos, sive aquaria mola, 1662.
This is a waterwheel, from a book written by architect and engineer Georg Andreas Boeckler, under the title Theatrum machinarum novum : exhibens opera molaria et aquatica constructum … Read the rest “Science Art: Fig. XLIII. Hydromylos, sive aquaria mola, 1662.”
Land planarians are invading the U.S.!
PeerJ has a study revealing how one the planet’s most invasive species has wormed its way into – of course – Florida:
… Read the rest “Land planarians are invading the U.S.!”The land planarian Platydemus manokwari de Beauchamp,
Memories are physical: they last as long as the nerve-cell connections that store them.
So say Stanford University neurologists, who have actually seen memories under a microscope – and watched them vanish:
… Read the rest “Memories are physical: they last as long as the nerve-cell connections that store them.”Now Mark Schnitzer, an associate professor of biology and
Laser “tricorder” diagnoses malaria through the skin.
I couldn’t really improve on New Scientist‘s headline there. This device shines a laser through an earlobe or wrist and detects malaria parasites through light absorption… Read the rest “Laser “tricorder” diagnoses malaria through the skin.”
No song today.
Looks like I’ll be owing a song… and a penitential cover for my tardiness.
Stay tuned.
The sports car that reads your mind.
Auto Guide (and a few other places) have been looking at… well, is the step before a driverless car or the step beyond? Anyway, it’s a thing where Jaguar/Land Rover is using NASA… Read the rest “The sports car that reads your mind.”
Science Art: Paper Wings, by Nicole Frost.
These are paper sculptures of birds’ wings – four specific categories of birds’ wings. As explained by their creator:
… Read the rest “Science Art: Paper Wings, by Nicole Frost.”This is my paper sculpture of
We don’t have to protect the Eastern Cougar any more. There aren’t any left.
The Guardian has more on the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s official extinction verdict:
… Read the rest “We don’t have to protect the Eastern Cougar any more. There aren’t any left.”The agency said on Tuesday the four-year review, which included information from 21 states
Zombies of the ancient world
Popular Archaeology thrills us with really, really old scares… digging up (literally!) evidence of Classical Greek zombie stories:
… Read the rest “Zombies of the ancient world”As one case in point, [University of Pittsburgh
The Vulnerable Ape theory of human origins.
PhysOrg turns the “brutal caveman” stereotype on its head, with a new look at our earliest ancestors as sensitive folks who got a leg up on the competition because we were vulnerable… Read the rest “The Vulnerable Ape theory of human origins.”
Good morning, Philae. How’s that comet looking 200 days later?
The ESA has spent an eventful weekend now that the Rosetta probe has woken up after a long sleep on a comet:
… Read the rest “Good morning, Philae. How’s that comet looking 200 days later?”Hidden by shadows, Philae shut down on 15 November 2014 at 00:36 GMT after completing
Science Art: Beetle, magnified 26 diameters, 1871.
This seems to be a minute beetle, as pictured in Objects for the microscope, being a popular description of the most instructive and beautiful subjects for exhibition… Read the rest “Science Art: Beetle, magnified 26 diameters, 1871.”
A lab-grown limb (muscle, blood and skin).
New Scientist has photos and video of a severed rat limb… that was never part of any rat’s body. It was grown in a dish:
… Read the rest “A lab-grown limb (muscle, blood and skin).”It may go down in history as the first step to creating real,
Sleep cleans your brain. And lack of sleep, we now know, causes toxins to build up.
Quartz reveals the poisonous problem with poor sleep habits:
… Read the rest “Sleep cleans your brain. And lack of sleep, we now know, causes toxins to build up.”[R]esearchers now believe wastes are forcefully pushed through the brain at a much faster and higher pace, according to Maiken